Architectural Installations
PORT Splashes City Skyscrapers With Color
Learn about PORT supplying architectural lighting design and architectural lighting installation for the One Financial Center in Boston, MA!

NOVEMBER 2018 - Last year around this time, One Financial Center looked like many of its neighboring skyscrapers at nightfall: fairly unremarkable. But now, take a stroll in through Financial District after sunset, and you’ll notice the building’s facade glows bright pink, blue, green, yellow, and sometimes rainbow.
While projecting light onto a building isn’t exactly newfangled technology, One Financial Center is the first full-face, color-changing skyscraper in Boston. The city, it seems, has been slow to catch on to installing architectural light shows on a large scale…
While projecting light onto a building isn’t exactly newfangled technology, One Financial Center is the first full-face, color-changing skyscraper in Boston. The city, it seems, has been slow to catch on to installing architectural light shows on a large scale…
About PORT
Our mission is to provide premier entertainment and architectural lighting services with an exceptional client experience while simultaneously maintaining a strong, collaborative, team culture where all voices are heard and all members are encouraged to develop and apply their individual talents.