The PORT Perspective / event lighting services (2)

PORT's Newest Parents Ring In A New Governor With Lighting Production


Teamwork and preparation save the day for the lighting production of a grand-scale event with unexpected plot twists while providing live event lighting.

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Elevate Events: Spectacular Drone Shows


If you watched the opening ceremony of the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, you saw the gorgeous fireworks display. A “ring of fire” in a rainbow of vibrant hues illuminated the night sky. But as spectacular as those pyrotechnics were, they weren’t the true star of the show.

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Evoke Emotions: Enhance Your Event with Colorful Lighting Impact


Imagine walking into a reception hall under a canopy of dozens of white, twinkling fairy lights. Now visualize walking into the same room and being greeted by red and yellow geometric light patterns reflected onto the walls and ceiling. The two scenarios create very different moods, r …

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Shining a Light on Gobo Lighting

Shining a Light on Gobo Lighting

In the world of theatrical productions and events, event lighting does far more than simply illuminate. They create a sense of drama, enhance branding, and provide visual interest. One of the ways lighting designers can create a truly distinctive experience for audiences and event att …

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Avoiding Event Mishaps: Checklists Are Critical to Manage Your Event

Avoiding Event Mishaps: Checklists Are Critical to Manage Your Event

Celebrities and performers of every type frequently make news for their demands at venues, both ahead of and during shows. These “riders” or checklists are a set of requests that the entertainer sets as criteria for their performance.

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MFA Council Party - Summer indoor outdoor lighting

MFA Council Party - Summer indoor outdoor lighting

We were thrilled to create a summer rooftop party atmosphere in the Shapiro Courtyard at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. With a 4-hour time crunch for setup (and a priceless Chihuly glass sculpture to avoid!), we rigged nine runs of 120-foot festoon strings a full 30 feet above the e …

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