The PORT Perspective

The Role of Lighting in Creating a Memorable Christmas Celebration


“Strings of street lights, even stop lights, blink a bright red and green…” What would Christmas be without lights? From candles lit on the Christmas tree to millions of twinkling lights on display, Christmas lights have a fun history and tradition behind them.

Christmas light displays and Christmas event lighting has become an exciting tradition that many look forward to every season. From simple and elegant coverings of twinkling white lights to full drive-through experiences, wherever you turn in the month of December, you’re bound to be graced with lights. But where did it all begin?

Candles to mimic the stars

221220-soon-it-will-be-christmas-day-1It is believed that sometime during the 16th century, Protestant reformer Martin Luther first added candles to a Christmas tree. While walking home one evening, Luther was in awe of the stars twinkling in the winter night sky, peeking through the evergreens. Wanting to share the vision with his family, he wired lit candles around the family Christmas tree.

Bringing the Christmas tree to the U.S.

Christmas trees were viewed as pagan symbols and therefore were not commonly welcomed into American homes. German settlers in Pennsylvania brought them into their homes in the late 1700s and early 1800s, but they were not widely accepted.

In 1846, Queen Victoria and her family were pictured standing around a Christmas tree. And just like that, popularity soared across Europe and the United States. Ornaments were imported from Germany as well as the tradition of candles lighting the tree’s branches.

Candles + Christmas trees = Trouble

221220-soon-it-will-be-christmas-day-2As you can imagine, open flames next to drying evergreen branches often led to disaster. Christmas tree fires were an all-too-common occurrence. In fact, by 1908 many insurance companies refused to cover fires caused by Christmas trees.

But the joy that was sparked (no pun intended) in so many by the beautiful lights on the tree seemed worth the risk. But there had to be a better way.

Edison to the rescue. Again.

In 1882, just three days before Christmas, Edward Hibberd Johnson, an employee of Thomas Edison, realized what the electric light bulb could mean for decorating a Christmas tree. He wrapped some small bulbs on a wire and put them around a Christmas tree. And there, the electric Christmas lights were born.

When reporting on the wondrous sight, the Detroit Post said, “It was brilliantly lighted with many colored globes about as large as an English walnut … The result was a continuous twinkling of dancing colors, red, white, blue, white, red, and blue all evening. I need not tell you that the scintillating evergreen was a pretty sight — one can hardly imagine anything prettier.”

Light displays for Christmas Day and every day

Beautiful lighting doesn’t have to be saved for Christmas. From architectural lighting to event lighting to themed lighting shows, the innovators at PORT can bring your vision to life any day of the year. No matter your vision, we guarantee you’ll be blown away by the results. Every detail will be just right, every time.

Our services include:

Media 1-6E47B531-FCA4-4AE5-90A7-71BF7E28F88ALIVE
  1. Specification
  2. Drafting & Rendering
  3. Pre-visualization
  1. Lighting
  2. Audio/video
  3. Expendables
  4. Rentals

Ready to get started? Contact us for a consultation! Merry Christmas and a joyful 2023!

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