The PORT Perspective

Lighting Control Systems: Monday Morning MacGyver


Learn how PORT's own Lighting Control Systems expert John B. successfully MacGyvered the company Fusion: fueled by a good cup of coffee and all in the name of productivity.

November 2023 - 

This week's "Star Of The Week" recipient was John B, our lighting control systems expert. John was able to strip a cat5 cable and make a tiny jumper to bypass the ignition switch enabling him to drive the company Fusion to the repair shop, saving a need for towing. After receiving his recognition, we had the pleasure of getting an in-depth story of where he went above and beyond. We typically don't share these stories with the world; however, this one was too good not to share.

If you're looking for a laugh - this story is for you.


"As I sipped my freshly brewed coffee, basking in the triumphant glory of caffeine, little did I know that the universe had a different blend of chaos in store for me. I swaggered out of the coffee shop, a victorious coffee warrior, ready to conquer the day in our prestigious company Ford Fusion.

But as I slid into the driver's seat and turned the key, the engine surrendered to silence. Panic began to percolate as I tried again, hoping for a miracle, or at least a desperate plea from the engine to start the day.

No such luck. The Fusion had decided to stage a vehicular mutiny in the most inconvenient spot possible—right outside the coffee shop. I dialed Scott, praying for a solution, but all I got was the melody of a voicemail jingle. Perhaps the coffee gods were testing my patience.

Princess Ron, scratched his head in bewilderment as he barked into his phone. "Have you tried turning it off and on again?" he asked, thinking he was hilarious.

Fleet Manager Mike, our weary hero, answered groggy rubbing his eyes, praying he didn't need to don pants this early in the morning. "What's the problem now?" he groaned.

"The Fusion has chosen today to rebel against productivity," I explained.

Mike, clearly too exhausted for the ordeal, sighed deeply. "Let me try to call Scott."

Time was ticking, and my coffee high was rapidly dwindling. In a moment of desperation, I remembered GOOGLE.

Snatching a piece of Cat5 from the trunk, I channeled my inner MacGyver and bypassed the starter relay. The Fusion roared to life.


"Let's get this show on the road!" I declared.

And so, with the scent of triumph lingering in the air (and a faint aroma of coffee), I rolled out of the parking lot, leaving behind the misadventures of the morning, to wait for Mike at Sullivan Tire."

Happy Monday!

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