The PORT Perspective

What Is An Assistive Listening System? ADA Compliance For Your Space

 Port+Lighting+Systems+Theater+Lighting+Auditorium-1 (1)Learn more about assistive listening sound systems and the ADA requirements for your venue theater, or facility.

March 2024 -

Assistive Listening Systems

Assistive listening systems are technologies designed to help individuals with hearing loss impairments or difficulties hearing clearly in various environments.

These systems work by using assistive listening devices alds, capturing, processing, and transmitting audio signals directly to the user’s hearing device, reducing background noise and improving the overall listening experience for individuals with hearing challenges.ada

These systems can be found in settings including classrooms, theaters, conference rooms, or public spaces. According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), depending on the seating capacity of a venue, receivers are required to be installed within the facility (see table).


Capacity of Seating in Assembly Area

Minimum Number of Required Receivers

Minimum Number of Required Receivers to be Hearing-Aid Compatible

50 or less



51 to 200

2, plus 1 per 25 seats over, 50 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

201 to 500

2, plus 1 per 25 seats over, 50 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

501 to 1000

20, plus 1 per 33 seats, over 500 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

1001 to 2000

35, plus 1 per 50 seats over 1000 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1

2001 and over

55 plus 1 per 100 seats over 2000 seats1

1 per 4 receivers1


System Installation Process

Integrating these systems into any space is a relatively straightforward process. Our team requires just a single output from the audio system to connect it to the unit.

The system only needs to check its connection to the network. Some systems use radio frequency, while others have Wi-Fi connections. This allows users to use their hearing aids or cochlear implants with a special app on their phones.

Technical Requirements

The sole technical requirement or consideration for installation is an audio output capable of capturing all sound. Ensuring that the sound going to the main speakers includes all audio and picks up all microphones is important. This should happen when the sound goes through an audio processor.

How Long Is The Downtime?

Minimal downtime occurs when integrating Assisted Listening Systems into your space! Our team can typically complete the installation (subject to size) within a few hours.

What Is The Cost?

These installations are cost-effective and not considered expensive. The cost depends on the size of the venue and its capacity according to ADA rules. As the size of the space increases, the cost of the installation also rises.

Ongoing Maintenance?

These devices rely on belt packs with rechargeable batteries that need regular charging and must be easily accessible. It is advisable to periodically check the battery life to ensure timely replacement of batteries and units as needed.


If our team is already working at your venue, integrating this project can be a simple addition. Also, we have experience working in new places and can make sure everything goes smoothly. Many new systems can connect to networks, allowing users to access apps or use their phones more easily.

Venues with older systems can upgrade their systems. This upgrade could lead to cost savings and reduced maintenance.

One way to achieve this is by reducing the number of belt packs needed. These systems run all the time, allowing individuals to connect at any time, thereby enhancing the user experience. With no need to search for belt packs or distribute them, these newer systems offer numerous modern benefits.

For more information on Assistive Listening Systems

Learn more about how PORT can help you with your assistive listening system today!






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